Unistus Chamber Choir, February, 2014
I was once a member of this ensemble, back a few years when I could guarantee my voice and presence week in and week out. I was forced to quit for health reasons and that broke my heart.
Poet Among The Baritones
A part of the choir,
I write to find harmony
among the voices
not to try solo
but to blend as I was taught,
breathing in secret
and holding my note.
My note - no. It's not my note
but ours - holding that
whether you notice
or whether you don't.
Might be
it hurts to feel them,
devils and angels,
messengers from beyond death,
beyond mortal wounds,
beyond the sunset
and beyond the sun's last rise.
Me too, beyond day
and beyond the night,
I write to be found singing,
found once and for all,
all the time knowing
there is no end to the words,
no end to the love,
no end to the song.
February 27, 2014 7:21 PM
The Obvious
3 weeks ago