Wednesday, July 11, 2012

In Mean Streets - Three Word Wednesday

Thom writes:
Each week, I post three words. You write something using the words.

Then come back and post a link to the contribution with Mr. Linky (but please, link to the exact post, not your blog, by clicking on the exact post title and paste it to Mr. Linky below). As always, there's no hard-and-fast rule that you have to post on Wednesday.

To link up with this week's Three Word Wednesday *click here*

This week's words:

Differ; Halt; Imagine

In Mean Streets

Are you screwing me?
You know we differ over
all the recent play
but I thought we were
beyond all the crappy stuff.
Halt! Don't make me pull.
I mean it, you turd.
I got a fucking big gun.
Imagine that, son.

July 11, 2012 5:45 AM


  1. The last line made me smile..with age comes a certain authority..jae

  2. Too many people wave guns around these days.

  3. scary, but probably a scene reenacted all too often in this world

  4. Nicely written. Get it over....quick.

  5. An old lesson, there is always a faster gun somewhere...

    Learned that as a small boy in the fifties from a movie about a retired gunslinger.

  6. I couldn't help but smile! I like it!


The chicken crossed the road. That's poultry in motion.

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