Lately the creativity has been spreading from blog to blog, similar subjects, and borrowing or replying one to each other more than usual. I am really happy for that. I believe I do much better work this way. Thank you all. You know who you are.
Here is a poem about distance and how intimacy can still happen.
Standing still, reaching
In my heart across the flow
Of far light from me to you
Wonder of day's end
Wonder of warm dreams
Wonder of true life.
Lists of thanksgiving
Lead to peace, tranquility,
Lead to you near by.
You get your help where you can find it. This is a poem about waking up. Charles Tart is one among others who points out that we live in a consensus trance, that we don't know it for a trance because it is normal to us, and that breaking away is quite uncomfortable for most of us. I am not going to argue whether this is all true or not, but I will point out that this is one way to describe the challenge laid at our feet by every mystical tradition on the planet.
They all agree as well that the solution happens only in solitude at some point, because in order to see you have to wake up and make peace among the dreamers. They mostly agree that you need a guide. That guide might be a guru, as in the eastern traditions, a spirit guide as with the vision quests of the First Nations, or the Holy Ghost as encountered within the Christian monastic traditions. Every tradition as well allows for the possibility that the spiritual heart of the world can erupt in you at any time, should there be a need for that to happen.
This is nothing to fool with. There are people who do, though. Be careful who you might choose to follow. One of the worst lies is the one told by the false prophet. And not fundamentally different is the person still asleep who claims he is awake.
The mystical traditions also claim that if you waken unprepared you will try your best to go back to sleep but once awake this attempt and every attempt thereafter becomes more and more unhappy and miserable. You can run but you can no longer hide.
Oh yes, and as Zen says of this business of waking up, when you achieve enlightenment, what you do next is the next right thing, like chopping wood for the fire, like carrying water for the bath. Like loving and forgiving as many times as necessary.
The Raven
You perch on my head,
Pluck at my eyebrows and talk
To me like my Lord.
I am shaken by your voice
As you speak clearly to me.
I mean you shake me.
My eyes are clean. Parasites
Eaten, you depart.
The Obvious
3 weeks ago