Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Iconoclast - A Magpie Tale

Spring, 1935 by Kuzma Petrov-Vodin
Offered by Tess as the prompt for Mag 164

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The Iconoclast

I drove a bargain
and you deemed it hard going
up the icy road.
You went north further
than most of us and longer
on the road as well.
There were big rumors.
I think you spread them as much
as anyone did.
I know the church frowned.
I was tentative after
all that, my old friend.

written April 14, 2013 9:45 AM


  1. I like the image of a frowning church. They do seem to have issues, and you captured them concisesly.

  2. I'm not one for traditions, either...

  3. Tolerance goes a long way up that steep road ...

  4. You went north further
    than most of us and longer
    on the road as well.

    We'll always need trailblazers. :)

  5. This is excellent, you have managed to say so much in so few words. I believe the only limitations we have are those we place on ourselves

  6. So very well said! Nice writing, I felt the strong emotion inside!

  7. Thank you all. Just so you know, I will confirm this poem is more about the artist than it is about the painting.


The chicken crossed the road. That's poultry in motion.

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