Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Life's Work - 3 Word Wednesday

Thom writes:
Each week, I post three words. You write something using the words.

Then come back and post a link to the contribution with Mr. Linky (but please, link to the exact post, not your blog, by clicking on the exact post title and paste it to Mr. Linky below). As always, there's no hard-and-fast rule that you have to post on Wednesday.

To join this week's 3 Word Wednesday writing group *click here*

This week's words:

Amplify; Criticize; Moan

A Life's Work

You took that one step
into the cut wheat stubble,
heard your dusty crunch.
Waves of locusts washed
away from that one foot fall.
Not to amplify
beyond all your
terms of holy surrender,
nor to criticize
your soul's tentative
delight, I admit
I loved your wee moan of joy
once you found your path.

November 6, 2013 5:09 AM


  1. It is a wonderful journey to observe in others as well as ourselves.

  2. you paint a lovely picture with these words.

  3. Having walked through a cloud of locusts I wouldn't imagine it evoking a wee moan of joy but if that what turns them on so be it...they do get in everywhere!

    1. I imagine they smell too in that concentrated dose. I know from reports that clouds of Monarch butterflies have a distinct aroma.

  4. Finding the right path..or any path..feels like ploughing through a plague of locusts that's for sure..locusts or toads? I guess toads would make you slip backwards..

  5. It's always interesting to see which words evoke comments. For me the "one step into the cut wheat stubble" evoked memories of the dusty smell of the wheat fields from childhood visits to relatives' farms. I was suddenly thrust back into those childhood discoveries.

    1. While never on a wheat farm, there were what we called "foxtails", often enough large fields of them in the rolling hills east of the Bay Area. In summer through lack of rain (the rain season was basically late fall, winter and spring) and because the farmers in those hills would cut things, a stubble field was common enough that I know what it is to crunch through and kick up dried plant dust I think reminiscent of wheat.


The chicken crossed the road. That's poultry in motion.

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