Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cooking Breakfast - A Magpie Tale

Detail Of The All Seeing Eye And Pyramid, The Great Seal Of The United States Of America
from Tess Kincaid's *The Mag*

Cooking Breakfast

Skittering in dark
corners, snuffling the old way,
polishing antiques,
the new world order
struggles with cobwebbed back lit
implacable streams,
inertial powers
pinned to how things always were.
They whisper warnings
and they dance red jigs
as they fry our fat rashers
and scramble our eggs.

October 21, 2012 7:15 AM

There are some misinterpretations here but the sense of direction presented leads toward the classic conspiracy theories concerning the beginnings of The United States.

Annuit Coeptis = He Approves The Undertakings
Novus Ordo Seclorum = New Order Of The Age
E Pluribus Unum = Out Of Many, One
Lucifer = Bearer Of Light (does not mean Evil One)


  1. An ancient symbol of magical power.
    I like your piece alluding to what they cook up and feed us :)

    1. I am not pleased about it. I half believe the conspiracy exists. On the other hand, it seems difficult to me to keep control of such a wide spread effort in secret. I do enjoy some of the speculation just as I do many forms of fantasy.

      My life has gone well enough that I am not that concerned. I do not need this kind of conspiracy to be true.

  2. Somebody obviously took a lot of trouble designing that dollar...

    1. That would also be my guess. I doubt that many correlations could be accidental.

  3. Intelligent and well-crafted Mag!

  4. got me feeling all national treasure again

    1. :D
      I did enjoy that spoof on the whole thing. Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy is a hoot too, though old now.

  5. I get the sense there is a lot going on in this piece--great ending I thought---and I am not sure that I would ever want to meet the being who is skittering along--

    1. They slimed my mind skittering through it.

      The new world order is more than one entity.


  6. I agree, Christopher...... my eggs are scrambled and I am Canadian! This is a great response to the prompt.... very clever. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Ummm...Yeah. I guess it matters a little just who is cooking the goose or the eggs, let alone the bacon...I prefer the kitchen fairies over the skittering corner sulking denizens of the conspiratorial new world order, however wealthy they may be.

      On the other hand there are those who dream of the Millenium. Perhaps among them is a really good cook.

  7. Oh to dance the red jig, or rather any jig just to dance will be a good enough answer for me! Nicely made....thanks for cooking breakfast today!

  8. Very cool poem - it is such an interesting prompt and you've handled quite uniquely. I love the rashers and eggs. k.

  9. I think its a great association with patriarchal inertia that you have made , Chris

    1. I didn't think of that but of course you are right. Most conspiracy theory variations I know of assume patriarchy, the very same patriarchy that lingers in the larger and more visible Christian myth. It is difficult to embrace the Christian and avoid the patriarchy. How would one do that?

    2. That is in part the challenge taken up by the liberal wing of Christianity. The liberal churches are joined in that effort to the Unitarian-Universalists. I will leave to others the assessment of their successes.


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