Wednesday, July 3, 2013

This May Be Nonsense - 3WW

Thom writes:
Each week, I post three words. You write something using the words.

Then come back and post a link to the contribution with Mr. Linky (but please, link to the exact post, not your blog, by clicking on the exact post title and paste it to Mr. Linky below). As always, there's no hard-and-fast rule that you have to post on Wednesday.

To join this week's 3 Word Wednesday writing group *click here*
This week's words:

Flabby; Indignant; Stench.

This May Be Nonsense

Ever tried to find
a flabby locomotive?
It's lard coats the line
blobbed and trailing steam,
indignant smoke belching forth
from faux steel boilers,
smelling of bacon
burned to a crisp stench
and I love my brain
for its skill, making
stuff like this up as if I
were the chubby khan
of a small satrap
close by the odiferous
coastline of some sea.

July 3, 2013 10:39 AM


The chicken crossed the road. That's poultry in motion.

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