Sunday, January 26, 2014

I Skipped The Meeting

Brenda Warren's Wordle 145

The rule: Use all twelve words in a piece. You aren't done unless the piece makes some kind of weird sense.

I Skipped The Meeting

I'll facilitate
the plans. I'll find time to write
despite the juggling,
the strands of bad hair
I habitually sweep
out of the country
of my moon faced eyes.
Surely I will embrace gems,
the crystal aspect
of the coarse gravel
on the path of state. Sustain
the note. Hold it down.
This missive's been sent.

‎January ‎26, ‎2014 9:42 AM


  1. Hi Christopher,

    Despite its deceptive humdrum beginning, this poem soon turns deep and rather beautiful...

    "Surely I will embrace gems,
    the crystal aspect
    of the coarse gravel
    on the path of state. Sustain
    the note. Hold it down.
    This missive's been sent.

    I enjoyed this very much... Thank you for that... With Best Wishes Scott

  2. I concur with Scott on this piece of writing, Christopher.


  3. I was taken with "crystal aspect of the coarse gravel". Nicely done.

  4. I am glad that meeting was skipped..far more important work was achieved..


The chicken crossed the road. That's poultry in motion.

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