Sunday, January 5, 2014

After The Storm

What I might expect
from the whistle bit caress
of the spare scarlet
sky behind the sun
struck down in my wan first pair
of eyes caught weeping
though I tried to keep
the dream I thought would save me,
where I might have been
is just not where I am, not
this weird sunken day.
Ain't it grand the wind
stopped blowing, you said, shaken.
Be glad we're still here.

‎January ‎5, ‎2014 8:09 AM

Written for The Sunday Whirl by Brenda Warren
Look for these words:


  1. Certainly. Be glad. I love "this weird sunken day," and the ending.

  2. Sometimes being here is better than the dream..however weird

  3. I loved the eyes caught weeping....and glad we're still here.

  4. I like how you bring her into it with her words!

  5. Whatever the conditions it is always good to find the beauty of the environment...just to be here.

  6. Good writing and the I love the sounds in this, Christopher,


  7. Really cool... This poem is an amalgam of dictation using Dragon Naturally Speaking software and keyboard editing. I am really impressed with how you can now fairly seamlessly use voice recognition software and vocal commands and basically not touch the keyboard. There are spoken punctuation and formatting commands. This means that a blind person (and I risk this because of anti-stroke blood thinning pharma... I am already one-eyed from it) can get credible rough drafts just by speaking.


The chicken crossed the road. That's poultry in motion.

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