Color Blindness -
What is color blindness?
Color blindness means you have trouble seeing red, green, or blue or a mix of these colors. It’s rare that a person sees no color at all.
Color blindness is also called a color vision problem.
A color vision problem can change your life. It makes it harder to learn and read, and you may not be able to have certain careers. But children and adults with color vision problems can learn to make up for their problems seeing color.
What causes color blindness?
Most color vision problems are inherited (genetic) and are present at birth.
People usually have three types of cone cells in the eye. Each type senses either red, green, or blue light. You see color when your cone cells sense different amounts of these three basic colors. Most cone cells are found in the macula, which is the central part of the retina.
Inherited color blindness happens when you don't have one of these types of cone cells or they don't work right. You may not see one of these three basic colors, or you may see a different shade of that color or a different color. This type of color vision problem doesn't change over time.
A color vision problem is not always inherited. In some cases, a person can have an acquired color vision problem. This can be caused by:
Eye problems, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, or diabetic retinopathy.
Injury to the eye.
Side effects of some medicines.
Color Blindness In Humans: An X-Linked Trait
Note: This Is Sometimes Called A Sex-linked Trait
Test Yourself With The Table Below
Numbers That You Should See If You Are In One Of The Following
Four Categories: [Some Letter Choices Show No Visible Numbers]

4 Sex-Linked Traits:
1. Normal Color Vision:
A: 29, B: 45, C: --, D: 26
2. Red-Green Color-Blind:
A: 70, B: --, C: 5, D: --
3. Red Color-blind:
A: 70, B: --, C: 5, D: 6
4. Green Color-Blind:
A: 70, B: --, C: 5, D: 2
Color Blind
You said you must be
color blind, that explains it,
that explains how you
reach past my heart, then
pluck the world beyond my ken
and leave me loosely
bound to ground beneath
your gentle lovely notice,
grayed out in your place.
December 14, 2009 7:15 PM
I can't imagine missing any colors. I am good at color. I'm not all that good at much, but I scored perfectly at color.
ReplyDeleteI think perhaps I splash it about as a limitless thing, painting canvases, too many, and over others who have left a delicate swoosh with their subtle quill.
I hate that I might have grayed them out. That I might still.
Annie, hello!
ReplyDeleteFrom everything I read, being colorless is unusual. Most color blindness is partial.
I am not as good at color. When I was serious about art it was to control black and white and it was cartoon, not representational. Then I found my profession and have been a drafter as the main part of it for thirty eight years. That too is black and white. But I see color perfectly according to all the tests...