Saturday, August 29, 2009

With My Long Rodent Teeth

There is always something. There is. It's enough to tire me out. Some mornings it hardly seems worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

Grumpy Now

You told me to walk
on water, said that happens
when I find center,
lift my feathered wings,
hold my beak just so and slim
down for God's sake, please.

That's when I got grumpy. Hmphf!

February 9, 2009 9:47 AM


  1. Advice. Unsolicited. Ugh.
    Top it off with a slap about losing weight. Annoying to the max.

  2. Nobody ever said it was easy being green :0)


  3. Nobody ever told me there were prerequisites to walking on water like that. Losing a hundred pounds or something. Growing feathers in the first place so I can have wings. A feathered winged creature overweight to boot. And I have to strike a pose.

    Walking on water.

    Yo, Karen.

    What? Michelle, I am green too?? Damn.

  4. And if you don't mind, please don't put your feet on the coffee table? ;)

  5. Next you'll insist I take my shoes off in the house and never ever leave the bathroom with the seat still up.

  6. There you go....Love the intro paragraph as much as the poem..and yes it is definitely a down for the seat..:>)


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