Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Argument - Three Word Wednesday

The Argument

I look on the crush
of distrsust I have just caused,
a muck slide of slop.
Confusion has swamped
any hopeful signature
and its blue ink smears
all across the page.
There is no more guarantee
I will ever find
your tolerant eyes
in any future I can
see from this cold swamp.
But life informs me,
again and again renewed.
Tomorrow's a new
day. You can't see past
the curve of our horizon
and it's rosy spell.

November 26, 2014 9:20 AM

Three Word Wednesday
This is week 403 on the 3WW site. This is my 1,884th posting on my blog. I began it on November 8, 2008 supported by my two friends, Walt of Eugene, downstate, and Robin Starfish of Idaho. I am grateful to them both still. Robin told me in his comment on my blog post that day that I would be looking back one day from my 500th post. I have gone somewhat further than that. It is somewhere around 312 weeks for me. Or in prison time, I am in my 73rd month of a life sentence LOL.

Each Wednesday Thom supplies his 3WW minions with three words to toy with. This week the words are:
Distrust; Hopeful; Tolerant.


The chicken crossed the road. That's poultry in motion.

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