Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Passover - Three Word Wednesday

This image is of the Passover Seder I attended at the home of my friends. I am at the upper right corner. I am told this is only half the family and that this will be the last Seder in Oregon for my friends. They intend to move to Hawaii.

"Perhaps we all carry an immemorial wound, an infinite loss, a self-exile we perpetrate on ourselves. It turns us into isolated entities stalking the earth in search of what we think we need—the temporary stays against ennui, despair, loss, and terror. But sooner or later, the wound can carry us toward its own remedy, if we only let it."
—Henry Shukman, Beautiful Storm

Perhaps then what divides us is not so much how poorly or well placed we are on the planet but instead within ourselves. However, it is always possible that I know far too little to write such things.

My friend had never told me he was Jewish. Attending Seder was a first for me, and further. I had no idea I would ever attend one, and mostly no idea there was such a thing, so far am I from Jewish traditional practices. It was a family affair, and they obviously enjoyed themselves. One of the participants was a pro musician, tatooed and pierced, just to add some variation to it. He performed after the ceremony was complete. We truncated the ceremony a bit. It still lasted over two hours, and the feast was great. I always welcome well prepared lamb, whether Paschal (sacrificial) or not.

animate; impassioned; pervert.
Three Word Wednesday


I would not call you
that, not pervert. I would not
impassioned demand
of you submission.
Nor would I then celebrate
with the Lamb of God
killed fresh and layed out
on some animate altar
before the servings
are cut loose for us.
But I will drape my gold plate
with fine woven cloth
and then dance naked
as did the king in his love,
as I will in mine.

‎April ‎16, ‎2014 2:05 PM


  1. So cool! Never stop seeking new experiences...

  2. this is always fun experience new places and new experiences

  3. Regardless of one's beliefs it is so good to experience, understand and accept the differences in us all.

  4. This is a feast of majestic imagery..a real appreciation and understanding for others whilst at the same time feeling true to yourself

  5. I remember my first Seder and I felt so honoured to be invited.I am so pleased you enjoyed your experience.
    Happy Easter!


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