Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's About Time! - 3WW

Thom writes:
Each week, I post three words. You write something using the words.

Then come back and post a link to the contribution with Mr. Linky (but please, link to the exact post, not your blog, by clicking on the exact post title and paste it to Mr. Linky below). As  always, there's no hard-and-fast rule that you have to post on Wednesday.

To link up with this week's Three Word Wednesday *click here*

This week's words:

Brag; Icy; Polite.

This illustration is said to depict one of the old Shakespearean actors on the road, travelling and advertising the plays.

It's About Time!

What a wild red hair!
I don't mean to brag it up
or dance a jig on
your stone ground coffee
(not too bad oh icy one!)
nor on your grave's head.
I mean, after all
that inaugural hoopla
over the beltway
it wouldn't be so
polite of my own damn self
to get all lord-like.

January 23, 2013 12:35 PM

It is said that all of Shakespeare's plays performed at the time at the Globe Theater ended with a jig performed by one of the company or more. It is not clear exactly what dance "jig" meant in the 1600's, at least not in the Shakespearean context, but the dance was light and lively. Apparently these jigs were performed at the end of the tragedies or comedies, just the same. They may have been choreographed to match the play in some lively way and apparently were designed to assist the audience's well being as they departed the theater.


  1. But what would happen if you DID get all lord-like for, say, oh, just the time it takes to dance a jig? :)

    Silk and Sky

    1. Thanks for asking. I checked with the dance master and she said the sky would rip. Wouldn't want to disturb the firmament, I don't think. This kind of jig requires humility...

  2. Thanks for the information, I believe that in Shakespeare's time they had no actresses only male actors.

    My 3WW is HERE

  3. Well, that's something new! Thank you!


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